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About Uliza Wahenga Dada

Soma is happy to introduce its new project, officially started in August 2019 but gaining traction during the first quarter of 2020.

As an alternative space for archiving silenced (hi)stories and their making through art practices; this project will engage with oral storytellers to eke out mundane histories of women. It explores the Indian ocean as an archive and carrier of ‘Swahili’ culture. Six female artists will explore those political/cultural memories through excursions to excavate missing evidence of women’s contributions across time.

The focus will be in propagating voices and changing stories of participating artists, interlocutors, their communities and unique features of the stories making up the archive. Soma will also contribute to Culture at Work communication strategy and platforms if possible, to share project lessons with global publics.

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Target group :


Wider creative community and public of young intellectuals including art students and academia; media and opinion makers of Dar es Salaam.

Project Objectives

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Uliza Wahenga Dada! news

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