Soma Book Café has, of recent, received visitors from the Danish Embassy. The Danish Embassy is the current donor for Andika na Soma – Annual Short Story Competition for Secondary School Students after taking over from the defunct CKU.
The guests are Fin Poulsen the Counsellor and Mandolin Dotto Kahindi, Programme Officer for Cultural Affairs at the Danish Embassy. They were received by Jasper Sabuni, Soma Program Manager and Demere Kitunga the Executive Director.Jasper explaining to Fin Poulsen about the Andika na Soma. On the portrait is Zahara Tunda, the winner for Andika na Soma competition Round 2.A visit to the bookshop
The Visit was intended to allow the Embassy space to familiarise with the project and get updates on its progress.
The briefing sessionJasper elaborating a point at the briefing session