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What is Soma?

Soma (read and learn in Swahili) was founded in 2007. It became operational in 2008 when it opened Soma Book Café, a launching pad for the promotion of reading for leisure and learning, the first readership space of its kind in Dar es salaam. 

Essentially, Soma promotes the creative word as a catalyst for transforming, deconstructing, reclaiming and reimagining cultural identities, her/histories and authoring alternative futures.

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Our Purpose

‘To contribute to Tanzania’s transformation into an informed society that values knowledge, creativity, and independent thinking’

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Strategic Objective

‘To consolidate, sustain and enhance impact of TFMB efforts to disrupt mainstream discourse with transformative, pan African and eco-feminist herstories and narratives to engender action’

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‘To nurture innovative storytellers with pan-African feminist consciousness and skills to author transformation’

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‘Soma envisions a prosperous and equitable Tanzanian society where women and young people re-imagine and author transformation’

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   Core Values

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   Theory of Change

      We believe that

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Programme Outcomes

Soma’s community of partners and allies grows and develops around five mutually reinforcing outcome areas: Space, Skills, Narratives, Voices and Action.

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Programme Strategies

Strategy 1: Grow a vibrant storytelling hub where women, youth, children and diverse identities engage creatively, collaborate and network to contribute to the Transformative Feminist Movement. 

Strategy 2: Facilitate the growth of a strong cadre of feminist authors to safeguard visibility of women agency and integrity in mainstream Tanzanian and pan African political, social  and cultural memory.

Strategy 3: Sustain vibrant public discourse amplifying pan African feminist and sustainable earth ideas.

Strategy 4: Grow a sustainable and resilient institutional base that efficiently accesses and utilizes resources and opportunities to Transformative feminists storytelling with a pan African ecofeminist edge.

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