[page_header style=”simple” type=”share” align=”center” title=”Soma Space” sub_title=”We have a mini conference room, makuti banda and open space for lease”] [row style=”collapse”] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”5″] [ux_banner height=”600px” height__sm=”540px” bg_color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)”] [text_box width__sm=”80″ width__md=”76″ padding=”40px 40px 40px 40px” position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″ border=”2px 2px 2px 2px”]

soma space

Soma has space for a variety of activities including self studies/research, meetings, conference, symposia, workshops & media function (filming, photoshoots, etc.); exhibitions, shows, corporate, group and social festivities and ceremonies.

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[/featured_box] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [gap height=”50px”] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”6″ align=”center”] [featured_box img_width=”53″ pos=”center” font_size=”xsmall”]


[/featured_box] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”6″] [featured_box img_width=”53″ pos=”center” font_size=”xsmall”]

Open Stage

[/featured_box] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [gap height=”50px”] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”7″ align=”center”] [featured_box img_width=”53″ pos=”center” font_size=”xsmall”]

Audio Visual Aids

[/featured_box] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”5″] [featured_box img_width=”53″ pos=”center” font_size=”xsmall”]


[/featured_box] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/section] [/col] [/row] [section bg=”4483″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.63)” bg_pos=”50% 58%”] [row] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″]

Prices quoted are for the minimum time and amenities offered for exact prices for your needs contact us first.

[/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″ bg_color=”rgba(69, 136, 200, 0.77)”] [ux_price_table title=”

Mini Conference Room

” price=”TShs
55,000″ bg_color=”rgb(97, 168, 236)” radius=”2″ depth=”3″ depth_hover=”2″] [bullet_item text=”Capacity
15-25 People”] [bullet_item text=”Tables & Chairs”] [bullet_item text=”Flip Chart Stand”] [/ux_price_table] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″ bg_color=”rgba(69, 136, 200, 0.77)”] [ux_price_table title=”


” price=”TShs 350,000″ bg_color=”rgb(97, 168, 236)” radius=”2″ depth=”3″ depth_hover=”2″] [bullet_item text=”Capacity
100 People”] [bullet_item text=”Tables & Chairs”] [bullet_item text=”Flip Chart Stand”] [/ux_price_table] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″ bg_color=”rgba(69, 136, 200, 0.77)”] [ux_price_table title=”

Open Stage

” price=”TShs 1,000,000″ bg_color=”rgb(97, 168, 236)” radius=”2″ depth=”3″ depth_hover=”2″] [bullet_item text=”Capacity
250 People”] [bullet_item text=”Tables & Chairs”] [bullet_item text=”Flip Chart Stand”] [/ux_price_table] [/col] [/row] [/section] [row style=”collapse”] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ divider=”0″ align=”center”] [section bg_overlay=”rgba(48, 68, 85, 0.74)” dark=”true” padding=”22px” height=”800px” border=”0px 0px 0px 0px”] [gap height=”51px”] [row_inner padding=”0px 55px 0px 55px”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ color=”light”]


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Soma Book Café is an alternative public place for leisure, culture and learning. Housing a bookshop, a coffee and snack bar in a garden lounge; it is a hub for socializing, self-study, group discussions, book launches, art and cultural shows, literary and intellectual discourse; and hosts clubs/classes for creative writing, poetry, bao, chess, scrabble, yoga, dance, etc.

[follow scale=”127″ facebook=”SomaCommunity” instagram=”somabookcafe” twitter=”somamkahawani” email=”info@somabookcafe.com”] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [/row]